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Missions to Macedonia
Presentation one
PSOM Presentation two
den Doolaard project
General Assembly DCC 2007 at Aleksandar Palace |

opening word Mr. Peter J Bosse President DCC |

Short introduction by DCC board member Prof.
Sreten Andonov, Ph.D |

Financial report presentation by Mr. Ljupco
Todorovski Vice president DCC |

Mr. Thom Cluck Netherlands
Embassy Skopje

Mr. Ljupco Todorovski DCC with members of the

Mrs. Natasha Ristevski Madik DCC board
Mr. Mike
Brennan received a lifetime award from DCC
During his stay in Macedonia as project
officer for MCA-USAID Mr. Mike Brennam did lots of things
together in the field of wine and tourism with me, Peter J
Bosse president of DCC. Therefore the executive board from
DCC decided to grand him a lifetime award and honor
membership of DCC. Mr. Brennan long time after he left
Macedonia is still in close contact with Macedonia. The
following is a reply from him:
First I want to thank
the Dutch Chamber of Commerce and Peter for thinking about
me and honoring me with this award, I believe that
the DCC is a wonderful organization and has done a great
deal to connect the people of Macedonia with the people of
Holland, and in doing so, enriching the lives of people
from both countries. It is mainly for this reason, but
also for my respect and friendship for Peter John Bosse
that I am so honored to receive this award. My only
regret is that I am not able to receive it in person.
In my capacity as a tourism advisor at the Macedonia
Competitiveness Activity Project, I had the
opportunity to work with a team of great people in the
tourism industry. What was striking to me at that time
was not the seriousness and commitment of each person in
that cluster team, but the desire to test out new ideas
and experiment to grow the tourism industry in Macedonia
and for all of Macedonia as well for their own business.
This is a bit of a self-less attitude that is not common
but when it occurs, great things can happen. This spirit
of camaraderie, the warmth of the people and the belief in
working with others is something that I remember to this
day. I hope that it will continue into the foreseeable
The DCC also sticks out in my mind, not only for
the desire to improve the situation in Macedonia, and for
its collaborative efforts, but for the fact that it always
carried through with its promises. I specifically think
of how the efforts of the MCA were supported by the DCA
and vice versa. We worked together to bring in travel
organizations from other countries, we had a successful
trade mission to Maastricht in the Netherlands, and we
hosted Dutch journalists. I wont go into all the
details, but there were times when we did just about
anything to achieve success including Peter helping to
cook meals for over 100 people during the tourism fam trip
and amazingly the food was still good Ω. All of these
efforts resulted, I believe, resulted in an influx of
Dutch tourists into Macedonia in the following years.
I know that the DCC will continue to do great work
into the future, and I also know that there will be
another Competitiveness project to help bring people in
industries together to help improve their businesses. I
will not be a part of that project, but I hope that it is
able to create a little more momentum behind the
innovation of the collective Macedonian mind. I say this
because mostly, I believe in the people of Macedonia. I
do miss the warm spirit and never-ending hospitality that
I took for granted while I lived in Macedonia and now it
is what I miss the most. I will always stay in contact
with some of the friends I made, and I will always hold
Macedonia close to my heart. I promise to return often
for personal visits and to keep my memories alive.
Thank you again for this. I am truly honored.
Mike Brennan

The A den Doolaard festival & opening
DVD is officially released. If you like to receive the DVD
please contact our office or mail us
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