June 2006
The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (DCC) in Macedonia after two years of
planning, intensive preparations and contacts with eminent
journalist names as well as representatives from tourism and tour
operators, made an assessment of the existing and future potentials
for development of tourism in Ohrid and reestablishing of the
cultural bridge between Holland and Macedonia.
Further, DCC with the approval of the Municipality of Ohrid has
successfully ended the project “Opening of the monument of A. den
Doolaard”, as the first and unique cultural event of this kind for
opening event
May 29th. 2006 8PM by Peter J Bosse President DCC |
Bearing in mind DCC fulfilled successfully the almost a decade old
idea to create a positive provocation to the potential Dutch
investors in Macedonia, as well as Macedonia to get a higher ranking
to international level.
DCC knows that Macedonia doesn’t have enough budgets for an
advertisement, such as 4000 € per second on the Dutch national
television or other high rates on the cover page on the big magazine
or radio… That’s what is behind our “positive provocation”.
Worldwide experiences showed us that where the tourists comes – also
soon comes and investors. It is quite clear that the friendly
unofficial recommendation has much more influence than paid
With this we make an export from Dutch culture in Macedonia. Also
with this there is more stable condition within both countries.
For successful realization of this project besides DCC, as a
core of the activities, it was crucial meaning the free help by
institutions, companies as well as individuals which helped as
partners in the realization of the project “Opening of the statue of
A. den Doolaard”.
Those partners are: 3B Production,
Ambassador Hotel, Artists of Macedonia, HOTAM, Inex Gorica Hotel,
Lebed Hotel, MCA/USAID, Mermeren Kombinat Prilep, Mikrosam,
Millennium Hotel, Mr. Bratislav Zdravskovski,
Mr. Vladimir Tojic, Mr. Vinko `Miskovski, Municipality of Ohrid,
Skopska Pivara, Superior, The Embassy of Holland, Travel Club –
travel agency, Unilever and Vis Poj – travel agency, Tetragon
Skopje, Malev-Amsterdam, Macedon Tours
Mr. Govert Visser Netherlands
Embassy Skopje |
Realization of the agenda
Because of the complexity of the budget, the technical
specifications, as well as the manufacturing of the monument, there
are further information in the section of the financial narrative
report .
After many months of contacts in Macedonia and Holland as well as
with representatives from the local authorities, it was decided the
opening of the monument will be on 29th of May 2006, because it is
the date of the opening the season and when first tourists from
Holland are coming to Ohrid. According to this date it was made a
three-day agenda in order to fulfill optimally the schedule of the
On Sunday (28.06.2006) - after the arrival of the journalist and
tour operators (10 persons) on the airport, transportation was
organized to Ohrid with minibus with a lunch on mountain peak Straza.
After arrival in Ohrid we visited the monument which was in the
final stage of built.
During the afternoon landed also the plane from Amsterdam which
brought the first guests from Holland along with the family members
of Mr. Doolaard (11 members) and they also came directly to the
place where is the monument.
Mrs. Suzi Hagen USAID/MCA |
After we supervised the final details we went to the hotel and we
had a joint dinner. During the dinner also came the members (2) of
A. den Doolaard foundation (www.adendoolaard.nl) from the
On Monday (29.06.2006) – after the breakfast in the hotel it was
organized a see sight tour in the old part of Ohrid on the locations
described in the books of A. den Doolaard. After that there was
organized a lunch in the town.
The afternoon was reserved for a press conference whereas was
present journalists from Macedonia and Holland as well as the
members from den Doolaard’s family. (Spoelstra)
In the same time the stage was lifted and the necessary light and
sound check was performed. On the moment of sunset the show of the
opening began.
The opening word came form Mr. Peter John Bosse (President of DCC),
Mr. Govert Visser (Dutch Embassy), Susan Hagen (MCA/USAID) and Mr.
Ljupcho Todorovski (Vice Executive manager of DCC).
After that the music part of the show began with, Folk dance group
Inex-Gorica, Blagoja Grujovski, Stefche Stojanovski, Trajce Manev,
Miki Jovanovski Djafer… And as a surprise, the music was briefly
interrupted with original spot and
music as a background of the “coming of A. den Doolaard” – a lake
boat which was carrying the profile of A. den Doolaard engraved in
the marble as final missing part in the monument. After mounting in
monument his daughters Spoelstra had a speech and later with
following speech of the Mayor of the Municipality of Ohrid Mr.
Aleksandar Petreski.
The next part included the music by Jasmina Mukaetova, Filip, Petar
Rendzov and Gjoko Miskovski. It worth to mention that the all show
had multimedia feature because it was allied with two video beams
with presentations and video spots made specially for this occasion
by 3B Production.
After the show there was organized a cocktail in the hotel
Millennium and with that the agenda ended for this day.
Tuesday (30.05.2006) – After the breakfast, it was organized a tour
on the lake with boat with destination on the gorgeous St. Naum.
Here we organized a walk through the park and seeing of the springs.
The lunch was served in the National restaurant. During the lunch
there was a positive discussion about economic collaboration between
the main donor of the Macedonia which is a.k.a. Holland and with
this was established an ideas for bigger affirmation of Macedonia in
After return in the hotel the guest began to pack and log out from
the hotel. The DCC team remained till the end in order to farewell the
satisfied guests and to finalize the successful project.
more on this
Mr. Ljupco Todorovski deputy head
of DCC |